PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD), a prominent pharmaceutical distributor in Indonesia, strongly emphasizes ethical standards. As part of its corporate governance framework, KFTD has implemented an extensive Whistleblowing System (WBS) to prevent and uncover bribery, corruption, and other misconduct. This system allows employees, stakeholders, and the public to report wrongdoing confidentially.

The Purpose of KFTD’s Whistleblowing System

The primary objective of KFTD’s Whistleblowing System is to foster a culture of transparency, accountability, and integrity. By offering a confidential platform for reporting misconduct, the company aims to achieve the following:

Types of Violations Reported

KFTD’s Whistleblowing System addresses a wide range of misconduct, including:

Reporting Process

To report a suspected violation, individuals can use the following channels:

All reports receive utmost confidentiality, and investigations are conducted promptly and impartially.

Ensuring Accountability

KFTD has established a robust process for handling reports received through its Whistleblowing System. The Compliance Unit conducts an initial assessment of each report to determine if further investigation is warranted. If so, the matter is referred to the Ethics Committee for a thorough review.

KFTD maintains a zero-tolerance policy for misconduct. Any employee or stakeholder engaged in unethical behavior faces appropriate disciplinary action, including termination of employment.


The Whistleblowing System is crucial for safeguarding KFTD’s reputation and ensuring adherence to ethical guidelines. KFTD demonstrates its unwavering commitment to conducting business with integrity by promoting openness and accountability.